Friday, October 4, 2024

Reports of FEMA malfesance. (VIDEOS)

Videos at the links. Be patient as some take a moment to load and you may (or may not) experience some buffering. 

* Fifty-one semi-trucks had their tires slashed en route to help victims of hurricane Helene. This many incidents has to be coordinated.

* If you don’t fear the government yet , you will after watching this.

* In 2024, if you attempt to help your fellow man, you are either threatened or arrested.

* This women has been delivering supplies dropped off by a civilian helicopter pilot. She’s has a warning for anyone coming to NC with supplies or to help ….they’ve closed the NC borders.

* Rescue of a dog trapped in a flooded building.

From what I've read - I think one of the videos mentions this or I saw it reported elsewhere - if you're going to donate to a hurricane relief fund, donate directly to a church or other place of worship (within the state of the affected) because their funds can't be manipulated by the government agencies. If I misunderstand this, leave a comment.

Lindsay Graham on Hurricane aftermath: "Have you thought about Israel?"

Move to Israel and be Netanyahu's personal boot-licker, Lindsay. What a complete and total POS. 

No, Lindsay, I haven't. ⏬ 

Friday Morning Music Video

"Fire Your Guns" from 1990's The Razors Edge by AC/DC; at 2009's Live at River Plate.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

FEMA isn't failing or inept.

It's intentional.

 Click images to enlarge:

More after the Pagebreak ⏬ ************

They've always hated us.

They've just become more emboldened. Keep showing us who you are, some aren't yet awake.

A Happy October 7th back at ya! 


^ Click to enlarge ^

^ Yes, he said it. 

Maybe you'll awaken from your slumber and Notice. Someday...after it's too late.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Tim Walz becomes friends with school shooters.

NY PostWalz says he’s become ‘friends with school shooters’ in VP debate gaffe.

Walz hits the wall; fast.

OOF! Out of the gate, Walz fails.  

Click on image to enlarge.

Walz said his son, Gus, witnessed a shooting. THREE SEARCHES (DDG, Bing, Yandex); ZERO RESULTS on Gus Walz witnessing a shooting. Another Tim Walz tale. 

UPDATE, October 2, 2024:

I read news stories online today reporting that Tim Walz's son, Gus, was in the vicinity, but didn't view, a shooting. I was unable to locate a story about this event predating today, October 2, 2024. The  stories are dated today, after Walz made this claim in last night's VP debate. 

Reasons given for this not being previously reported cite those involved when it happened were juveniles. This surprised me a bit because other incidents of this nature hit the news cycle regularly when juveniles are involved, their names just aren't released which is understandable.  

The verdict I reached, for myself, is what Walz said is rather exaggerated considering he said his son, "witnessed." I don't recall Walz ever mentioning this before and, considering his pro-gun control stance (despite his rhetoric of being a supporter of 2A), it seems odd he never brought it up in the past during his pushes for "reducing crime." Which is the opposite of the usual Liberal Narrative of, "never let a crisis go to waste." 

AP reports, the shooting happened outside of a St. Paul recreation center while his son was indoors.  

NPR reports: Gus didn’t actually see the shooting itself, but he did witness the aftermath[.]

Not seeing or viewing something doesn't fit my definition of, "witnessing" something. 

FWIW, make of it what you will, how Walz spins the story compared to how it happened. 

As with many pols, especially Libs and their desire to exploit and bigly embellish their actual personal involvement in any story, take their tales with a grain of salt. And with Walz, make it an Industrial Size Grain of Salt, with extree Added Industrial Size Grain of Salt wrapped in a tablet of Industrial Size Grain of Salt.

Tuesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Nurse Rozetta" by Alice Cooper, from 1978's From the Inside.


Meaning behind the lyrics.

^ "Lyric Meaning" site incorrectly attributes this song as a track from Lace and Whiskey.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Longshoremen Strike!

CNN (Updated 12:59 AM EDT, Tue October 1, 2024): Port workers strike starts across the East and Gulf Coasts.

Nearly 50,000 members of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) are on strike Tuesday against the nation’s East and Gulf Coast ports, choking off the flow of many of the nation’s imports and exports in what could become America’s most disruptive work stoppage in decades.

The strike, which was confirmed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey as well as the Port of Virginia, began at midnight.
The strike will stop the flow of a wide variety of goods over the docks of almost all cargo ports from Maine to Texas. This includes everything from bananas to European beer, wine and liquor, along with furniture, clothing, household goods and European autos, as well as parts needed to keep US factories operating and American workers in those plants on the job. It could also stop US exports now flowing through those ports, hurting sales for American companies. 

Biden could stop this, but he his handlers don't want to. 

Washington Examiner: Biden won’t invoke Taft-Hartley to stop port strike that could cost $5 billion a day.

On Sunday, Biden said he would not get involved.

“It’s collective bargaining,” he said. “I don’t believe in Taft-Hartley.”

Oh, we have to suffer and endure more economic hardship because Biden doesn't believe in Taft-Hartley.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce: US Chamber of Commerce calls on Biden to Invoke Taft-Hartley.

This Game Show -

- is too darn easy!

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You acknowledge this "Viewer Discretion Advisory", voluntarily proceed, agreeing to hold this blog and author harmless.

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U.S.: More Troops deployed to the Middle East.

AP: US is sending a few thousand more troops to the Middle East to boost security.

The Jeff Bezos Peoples' Republic: U.S. sends more troops, warplanes to Middle East as bulwark against Iran.

The moves were ordered by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin[.]

NY Times: Pentagon Sends Additional Troops to the Middle East.

[...] 40,000 U.S. troops already in the region and help with the defense of Israel.

Yahoo: South Dakota's Air Guard deploys to the Middle East.

TN Dept. of Military: Tennessee National Guard Task Force deploying to Middle East.

With what Tennessee is experiencing from Hurricane Helene, TN NG troops are deploying to Israel? Not surprising considering RINO Governor Bill Lee wearing his AIPAC kneepads 24/7. Same for Gov. Kristi Noem whose fealty for Netanyahu runs deeper than it does the people of SD. 

Netanyahu is determined to drag the U.S. into war with Iran solely for Israel's benefit.

But Satanyahu's son Yair? He's resides in Miami, exempt from the IDF. Nice huh? 

Monday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Brutal Planet" by Alice Cooper, from 2000's Brutal Planet


Sunday, September 29, 2024

5 Memes before bedtime.

Three more after the Pagebreak ⏬ 

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan says what everyone knows.

RT: US is hostage to Israel – NATO state.

Washington’s tendency to serve the Jewish state has become “an accepted fact of life,” Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan says.

Israel has been so successful in lobbying the US political establishment that Washington essentially does the bidding of West Jerusalem, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has said.

In other words, we said that if Israel is not stopped, it will carry this war to other places... It seems that there is a serious desire in Israel, among [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and his team, to expand the war to the region, and they are trying to advance this,” he said.

He went on to accuse the US of turning a blind eye to West Jerusalem’s actions, claiming that “Zionism has taken root in American politics.”

The fact that the entire power of the American state has been transformed into a structure that serves Israel… is no longer a disturbing issue here, but has become an accepted fact of life. This, of course, makes sane Americans incredibly uncomfortable,” Fidan said.

For those who endlessly support the Zionist, apartheid nation is Israel citing the Book of Zechariah as evidence, remember this: God will destroy Israel before restoring it. Why? Because modern day Israel isn't God's Israel. 

Just like so many Jews who, in the Old Testament repeatedly, "hardened their hearts towards God", Israel will not escape God's wrath.

Book of Amos

Israel Will Be Destroyed

9 I saw the Lord standing by the altar, and he said:

“Smash the top of the pillars
    so that even the bottom of the doors will shake.
Make the pillars fall on the people’s heads;
    anyone left alive I will kill with a sword.
Not one person will get away;
    no one will escape.

If they dig down as deep as the place of the dead,
    I will pull them up from there.
If they climb up into heaven,
    I will bring them down from there.
If they hide at the top of Mount Carmel,
    I will find them and take them away.
If they try to hide from me at the bottom of the sea,
    I will command a snake to bite them.
If they are captured and taken away by their enemies,
    I will command the sword to kill them.
I will keep watch over them,
    but I will keep watch to give them trouble, not to do them good.”

The Lord God All-Powerful touches the land,
    and the land shakes.
    Then everyone who lives in the land cries for the dead.
The whole land rises like the Nile River
    and falls like the river of Egypt.
The Lord builds his upper rooms above the skies;
    he sets their foundations on the earth.
He calls for the waters of the sea
    and pours them out on the land.
    The Lord is his name.

7 The Lord says,

“Israel, you are no different to me than the people of Cush.
I brought Israel out of the land of Egypt,
    and the Philistines from Crete,
    and the Arameans from Kir.
I, the Lord God, am watching the sinful kingdom Israel.
I will destroy it
    from off the earth,

but I will not completely destroy
    Jacob’s descendants,” says the Lord.
“I am giving the command
    to scatter the nation of Israel among all nations.
It will be like someone shaking grain through a strainer,
    but not even a tiny stone falls through.
All the sinners among my people
    will die by the sword—
those who say,
    ‘Nothing bad will happen to us.’ 

Netanyahu rumored to be dead or injured (head injury) has been circulating on alt-media for days. If he suffers a second head injury and survives, will this denote him as the anti-Christ?

Revelation 13:3

The antichrist’s power and authority will become very great, but then something terrible will happen. In the word-picture, John describes this as a terrible injury to one of the beast’s seven heads. That could mean a physical injury or a loss of power. It will seem as if the antichrist cannot recover. However, the antichrist will recover by the devil’s power; in fact, he will become even stronger. Now his authority over the whole world will be complete.
[.] ... the antichrist will carry out all kinds of lying wonders. Wonders are acts that astonish people; they seem to have no natural explanation. The word ‘lying’ there does not mean that these things will not really happen. It means that these events will teach the people a lie. The lie is that they should serve the devil. Jesus called the devil ‘the father of lies’ (John 8:44). In the end, all lies come from the devil (see 1 John 2:18-26).


1 Peter 3:10-12.

10 For the Scriptures say,

“If you want to enjoy life
    and see many happy days,
keep your tongue from speaking evil
    and your lips from telling lies.
Turn away from evil and do good.
    Search for peace, and work to maintain it.
The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right,
    and his ears are open to their prayers.
But the Lord turns his face
    against those who do evil.”

Saturday, September 28, 2024

FEMA running out of money to help Americans. Plenty for Israel and Ukraine, though.

E & E News: Lawmakers stunned as disaster funds left out of stopgap bill.

But some lawmakers from disaster-prone states — on both sides of the aisle — were aghast this week at the lack of additional dollars for FEMA’s already depleted disaster relief fund and other federal disaster programs. Many of them were incensed that the typically bipartisan priority had fallen victim to partisan squabbles at such a dire time.
Florida Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz, one of Congress’ biggest boosters of disaster aid, said FEMA has a backlog of roughly $8 billion that it has been unable to dole out to states since early August.

The CR will allow FEMA to begin reimbursing states for money they have spent to rebuild during that time, he said, but that will cut into next year’s disaster response efforts.

This problem, we’re gonna have to fix it again in December, because right now we’re basically robbing Peter to pay Paul by taking money from fiscal year ’25 to solve fiscal year ’24,” he said.
{INSERT: if anyone knows about robbing Peter to Paul it'd be ))) Moskowitz (((. When the hell has future aid to foreign countries ever been impacted by the following year's funding? NONE, only when it comes to AMERICANS. - DD}
In what felt like a gut punch to Congress’ biggest disaster aid backers, congressional leaders opted to remove a $10 billion supplemental infusion for FEMA that House conservatives had added to their opening bid to extend government funding. {THANKS AGAIN, RINOs AND UNIPARTY!-DD}

The previous iteration of the CR, which the House defeated last week, included that sum — half of what the White House requested — to help replenish the agency’s disaster fund as Hurricane Francine was barreling toward Louisiana, the home state of House Speaker Mike Johnson and Majority Leader Steve Scalise.
House Appropriations Chair Tom Cole (R-Okla.) and ranking member Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) both expressed disappointment that the supplemental funding had been struck — especially since in the end, Congress didn’t need the votes of conservatives opposed to new disaster funding for passage.

NBC Washington (August 15, 2024: FEMA has run out of money in the middle of hurricane season - NBC4.

Click2Houston: Where's the money? Displaced couple says FEMA is leaving them in limbo

A New Caney family says they've been displaced for the past 4 months because of severe weather. During this time, they've been left in limbo by FEMA, which still hasn't sent them money they were approved for.

So sorry New Caney family. The Ukrainians and Jews are ahead of you and all other Americans standing in line for financial assistance. You know, it's because...uh...uh...Democracy for Ukraine and Israel is our bestest ally ever

al-Reuters: Israel secures $8.7 BILLION in U.S. aid.

al-Reuters: Ukraine secures $8 BILLION in U.S. aid. 

"Campaign promises" from all candidates: "We're going to make the rich pay their fair share! We're going to make things better for the middle-class." I've been hearing this for over 30 years. Knock on the urn holding my ashes and let me know WHEN it happens.

Israel has a right to defend itself!

By hacking into a control tower guiding a plane carrying civilians?

Anadolu Ajansı: Israeli army hacks into Beirut Airport control tower, threatens Iranian civilian plane.

The Israeli army on Saturday hacked into the control tower of Beirut's Rafic Hariri International Airport, issuing threats against an Iranian civilian aircraft attempting to land, according to official sources.

The Lebanese Ministry of Transport instructed airport authorities to prevent the Iranian plane from entering Lebanese airspace following Israeli threats to target the aircraft if it landed at the airport.

Sources within the ministry confirmed to Anadolu that the directive was issued after the Israeli army’s aggressive posturing.

There was no comment from the Israeli side on the reports yet.

However, hours earlier, Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari warned that the army "will not allow any weapons to be transferred to Hezbollah," including "through Beirut International Airport."

“We will not allow the transfer of weapons to Hezbollah in any form. We are aware of Iranian weapons transfers to Hezbollah, and we will work to thwart them,” he said in a statement.

“We declare that we will not allow hostile aircraft carrying weapons to land at the civilian airport in Beirut. This is a civilian airport for civilian use, and it must remain that way,” Hagari added.

Lebanese Minister of Public Works and Transport Ali Hamieh denied on Saturday Israeli claims that Beirut International Airport was being used to deliver weapons to Hezbollah.

He stated that the airport is "exclusively civilian," adding that "military air traffic at Beirut Airport is subject solely to the approval of the Lebanese army."

Hagari and Israel have no proof this airplane was attempting to deliver weaponry to Hezbollah. But, because some Israeli spokesman says something, everybody must accept it as fact and never question it. Does that defense sound familiar? It should, we've heard it 6 million times.

It's unironically shocking how often Israel has "no comment" on any issue, unless you're Candace Owens, Kanye, Dave Chappelle, David Irving, David Icke, Mel Gibson and many others. Or discussing Israel's traitorous behavior to the United States regarding the U.S.S. Liberty or the Lavon Affair. Then they have plenty to say, they can't shut up, a steady monologue of denial.

I'll toss this in the mix for you to think about. When all is settled in Gaza, Palestine and Israel, who do you think is going to pay for all the reconstruction? Israel? Heh heh heh. 🤣 Not a chance, not a single shekel. Get ready American taxpayer. BOHICA! Learn to live on less because, "muh Israel." You mean, "your Israel." I think reconstruction should be fully paid for, and only by, World Jewry. How's that? Ya good with that, Big J? 

I'll say, again, what I've stated in the past; it's not just aid to Ukraine and Israel, I want ALL foreign aid ended. I'm tired of America being the host for nations that are parasites. This won't ever happen.

The pre-Boomers, Boomers, Gen X and Millennials crowd that say they want the world to be a better place for their children and grand-kids? They already know the answer. The majority of them approved the political policies that brought us to where we are. Best of luck to future generations. They'll need it.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Virtually no one wanted to hear the kvetching from the merchant of genocide.

^ "Well this is embarrassing. 80% of the UN walks out during Israel's Netanyahu's speech. Leaving only North Americans, Western Europeans and few Eastern Europeans." 



Friday Morning Music Video

"Cold Ethyl" by Alice Cooper, from 1975's Welcome to My Nightmare.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Birds recognize patterns.

If birds Notice patterns, the question is - presumably you're a human reading this - why can't you?

Found this video somewhere online. It had no sound, so I added music and a couple of "stills." Best viewed using full screen.

Afraid of birds! 🤣

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

We lack gardening tools.

CBS: Philadelphia activist trying to make streets safer by forging guns into jewelry, art and tools

Shane Claiborne, a Tennessee native, grew up around guns. But when he moved to North Philadelphia's Kensington neighborhood, he saw too many lives lost to gun violence. [Violence caused by guns or criminals with guns? There's a difference. - DD]

He felt he had to do something, so two years ago Claiborne opened RAWtools Philadelphia.

"My philosophy is any gun we can chop up makes the world a little safer," he said.

"It's mindboggling what people have," Claiborne said of the weapons collected by the shop. "We've had grenade launchers, Uzis, weapons of war."

A lifelong activist, Claiborne has been to warzones to advocate for nonviolence, but never thought he'd be fighting a war on his home front.
"That was one of those wake up moments where our country was like never again, but then we let it happen again and again," he said.

After that, Claiborne joined the RAW effort, breaking down guns into jewelry, art and garden tools. On average, the group collects 1,000 guns a year.

He's been to "warzones." Tell us. Name them. The story doesn't identify which warzones, but I'd like to know if he's been to downtown Philly, Chicago, Baltimore, SF or LA late at night or the early AM.

Nor do "we" let it happen again and again. The revolving doors of courtrooms and judges who give lenient sentences or slaps on the wrist to repeat offenders allow this to happen. Don't allow people like Claiborne to paint law-abiding gun owners as the cause of gun violence because we're not.

The story refers to RAW. This is RAW.

These are some of RAW's board members and no, we're not surprised.

BTW - where do I git me a dozen or so of them grenade launchers?

Friday, August 30, 2024

Friday Morning Music Video

"Good Times Roll" by The Cars, from 1978's The Cars.

(Ric Ocasek and Elliot Easton: underrated guitar greatness.)

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Israel: The most moral soldiers in the world.

The TelegraphThe Israel Defence [sic] Forces are the most moral soldiers in the world

By Zoe Strimpel

27 April 2024
[...]the IDF’s morality is seen in its actions. [ I can't disagree! - DD ]
It is the ultimate taboo but it is true: the IDF is the most moral army in the world, and its enemies not only know this, but also trade on it. 

Click image to enlarge. 

The Recount (Monday October 30, 2023): Netanyahu says Israel going out of its way to prevent civilian casualties. 🙄 

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Toss car batteries into the ocean; help make oxygen.

The Drive: Google Tells Search Users It's a Good Idea to Throw Car Batteries Into the Ocean.

Maybe using Quora for featured answers isn't such a good idea after all! 

Quora! 🤣  

This topic still gets new mileage at Chans.

Click image to embiggen.

Pagebreak added for space-saving reasons.

MORE comments/reactions and a video after the Pagebreak ⏬  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Ella Emhoff is a beautiful woman.

If you disagree, you're a misogynistic pig.

Breitbart: Left-Wing Salon Attacks MAGA Over Refusal to Admit Ella Emhoff Is ‘Cute’ — Unapologetic Misogyny

The [Salon] author describes Ella Emhoff as “a fashion icon” whose “creativity, beauty, and easygoing love for her family has sent many on the right into paroxysms of rage.”

Ella Emhoff is a paragon of beauty and fashion. How dare anyone impugn this goddess! How dare you !

Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday Night Cars and Trucks; Short Stack.

Cars, trucks, short stack. That's it. 

More after the Pagebreak. ⏬ 

Three years today: Biden's disastrous Afghanistan exit.

Breitbart: Trump Honors 13 Fallen Heroes from Afghanistan Withdrawal at Arlington.

Former President Donald Trump honored 13 fallen American service members from the Biden Administration’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal during a wreath-laying ceremony Monday at the Arlington Cemetery.

Trump laid the wreath and placed his hand over his heart as a bugler played Taps in honor of those lost on August 26, 2021, during a Kabul airport attack.
Trump also slammed Biden and Harris for “gross incompetence” in a statement posted on his Truth Social account. He said:

    This is the third anniversary of the BOTCHED Afghanistan withdrawal, the most EMBARRASSING moment in the history of our Country. Gross Incompetence – 13 DEAD American soldiers, hundreds of people wounded and dead, AMERICANS and BILLIONS OF DOLLARS OF MILITARY EQUIPMENT LEFT BEHIND. You don’t take our soldiers out first, you take them out LAST, when all else is successfully done. Russia then invaded Ukraine, Israel was attacked, and the USA became, and is, a laughing stock all over the World.

MSN: Taliban parades American weapons 3 years after chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The Taliban commemorated the third anniversary of the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan by parading through a former U.S. air base with American weapons and vehicles.

USA MacPaper: On the anniversary of US withdrawal in Afghanistan, President Biden made the right call.

Far from being a blunder, the US withdrawal from Afghanistan delivered an important counterterrorism win for America.

" important counterterrorism win for America."  🙄

Meanwhile, the dementia-ridden diaper wearing, 5-time draft dodging pants shitter remains in hiding. 

NY Post: Biden taking second-straight week of vacation despite insisting he'd finish presidency strong.

President Biden began his second consecutive week of vacation Monday with nothing on his public schedule for the next seven days.

Sunday, August 25, 2024


Dear God, at the start of each day, help us to recognize you above all else. Enlighten the eyes of our hearts that we might see you and notice how you're at work through our lives.

Give us wisdom to make the best choices, and fill us with a desire to seek after you more than anything else in this world. Let your Spirit and power breathe in us, through us, again, fresh and new.

I pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen

From Crosswalk

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Deceptive Art.

What kind of Wizardry is this? Full screen mode=a must.

Fauci tests positive for the deadly West Nile virus.

Yeah. Suuuuuuuuuuuure he does. 

Resist The Mainstream: Anthony Fauci has tested positive for the deadly West Nile virus.

Anthony Fauci has tested positive for the deadly West Nile virus.

Not buying this story one bit. Not the source of the story, I like RTM. I'm not buying the story. 

Pharma must be looking to push more vaccines. "If Tony Fauci can get West Nile Virus ANYONE CAN! REEEEE! You need the VAX!" 

If he DOES have WNV, TFB. The families of beagles he ordered the vocal cords cut while their faces were chowed on by sand flies are rejoicing in the Schadenfreude.

Saturday Dogs and Cats.

View in full screen mode=the best. 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Who did these?

🤣 👍

One Minute Prayer Time, Tonight: 8PM Central Time.

Set a reminder on your phone or an alarm clock for 7:58PM Central Time tonight. One short minute of united prayer. Applies to all people of faith and those who aren't but want a better future.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Families of Israeli hostages boycott anniversary of October 7th. Want Netanyahu removed.

CNN: Israeli hostage families to boycott October 7 memorial.

A group representing the families of Israeli hostages held in Gaza plans to boycott the government’s commemoration of the first anniversary of the October 7 attack, frustrated by the slow progress in negotiations to bring back their loved ones.

“The Israeli government’s glaring inability to secure the hostages’ return makes any attempt to conclude this chapter impossible,” the Hostage Families Forum said in a statement on Wednesday. “Since October 7, the situation has remained stagnant.”
“A year has passed since citizens were abandoned in the greatest disaster in Israel’s history. One-hundred-and-nine hostages have yet to return, and the living have not been brought back for rehabilitation, nor have the bodies of the murdered been returned for burial,” the forum added.
Hostage families have repeatedly accused Netanyahu of stalling negotiations and abandoning the captives to keep his governing coalition intact. Hardline ministers in his cabinet have threatened to collapse the government if he agrees to end the war.

“Together, we’ll demand the restoration of security, the return of the hostages, the rehabilitation of communities, and an investigation into the failures that led to the terrible disaster of October 7,” the forum said.

Gee, is it permissible for these families of hostages to boycott this and ask these questions, seeking an Israeli regime change, one without Netanyahu? Because when a non-Jew makes statements similar to these, they're quickly labeled as a, "Jew-Hater." 

The failures of what led to this ⏩: Netanyahu (deliberately and intentionally) ignoring TWO warnings from the Egyptian government prior to the attack and  ignoring the same intel from his own agencies. Thus, he wanted the attack to happen to justify his genocide of Palestinians. Yes, it's that simple. 

-  -  - 

In related news; Twitchy: Doug Emhoff, husband of Kamela Harris, said there's nothing he can do about ensuring safety for Jewish people unless his wife is elected.

Hit the Twitchy link...Emhoff is getting ratioed! 🤣

DNC protests have been mostly peaceful, per Chicago Sun Times.

Chicago Sun Times (August 21, 2024): DNC protests have been mostly peaceful. Let's hope it stays that way.

And on Wednesday, pro-Palestinian protesters marched peacefully from Union Park toward the United Center just as the evening’s events were about to get underway.

If you're only getting your news by Doom and Gloom scrolling on X or TikTok, you wouldn't know this. Pulling a select psy-op video off X or TikTok isn't trustworthy. Unfortunately that's the only news some people believe. Chicago Sun Times is reporting "mostly peaceful." They should know, right?

No, Son of Blubber Tim Walz isn't off-limits.

"Gus" in is over 18, he's an adult. Son of Blubber isn't off limits. 

The Left would be ridiculing this all over social media had it been the kid of a Republican. What? Is this kid some 8-year old, blubbering, "That's muh daddy!" 

Buckle up Kenny Akers! 🤣 We're gonna have fun with this!

Here's why Gus isn't off-limits

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

K*** a [redacted].

Ran across this: 

Yes, it's real.

It's from 2018. I missed the story. Maybe it wasn't widely reported by the MSM. Gee, why would that be?

Reddit: Buzzfeed's Joe Bernstein Keeps Job After Inciting Murder Of White Men.

He deleted the Tweet, but the internet is forever. 

Buzzfeed reporter @Bernstein tweeted “KILL a straight white man on your way to work,” implied something is going to happen to @RealCandaceO and made other inflammatory comments. He must pay for deliberately spreading HATE.   -

According to Mediate, Bernstein was working on a story that would  "out" or dox teen college girls who supported Hillary Clinton. Go Figure. 🤣  Candace Owens learned about the story and Bernstein didn't react well. 

Buzzfeed now verifying that it is “their job” to threaten to publish names of private young women who refuse to give quotes about their political targets.
    Btw- these young girls are all liberals who voted for Hillary. I am trying to get them to come forward publicly about this.

    — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) May 15, 2018

Are you wondering, like me, about the reaction if someone on social media wrote basically the same Tweet only using a different ethno-religion-race in place of "straight white man"?

People like Bernstein are putting the lives of others in danger by encouraging killing them.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Which is it?

Fuentes supports Trump

"Nick Fuentes is a right-wing, Trump-lovng, Hitler-loving, Jew Hater." 

Fuentes supports Harris

"Nick Fuentes is a left-wing, Harris-lovng, Hitler-loving, Jew Hater."

Which is it? 🤣 

It didn't take long for the Amish reaction on social media. They're all flipping out. They think they recognize every single psy-op microaggression - but not this one.  Intentional blindness. Tunnel Vision. It's deliberate. The more attention they give this the larger the Noticing.

Now they're calling for Candace Owens to be banned from X (Twitter). Why? What TOS did she break? What is it, specifically, that she's lying about, that warrants being banned?

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